
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Ch, ch, changes..

Hi everyone, I have been away most of May. Interesting times I have endured as well, but am basically unscathed.
I got a year older in the 'merriest' of the months, it rained a lot followed by boiling hot sunshine and to add a challenge to your dear author Google have decided that blogging can be made 'easier' by moving all the buttons around.

So I'm older, non the wiser, but much more streamlined now.

Not being one to complain (oh go on) but it also requires Google Chrome to work... Although it did wring a wry smile from my face as the installer popped up telling me in no uncertain terms 'Your Amazing, Thank you for trying Google Chrome'.

Anyway, probably this will be the least read post ever created in history, although it does allow me to at least 'get going' in Bloggers 'great new look'. Pausing only slightly to swallow down the small amount of sick that Googles marketing team have managed to illicit from me.

Next up... Car stuff.. Oh my, do you think it will catch on?

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