
Friday 17 June 2011

Been shopping GTST front doors

They say that you save money by picking up a bargain, even if you spend all the money you have getting it... Well I think on this one occasion I have managed a 'win!'

It's 23:00, been a long day and I made the day longer by running about for some spare parts.
These are the first of my exotic purchases. Two Skyline GTST front doors.
They are pretty straight, the electrics work, they have glass, unmarked door cards, handles, locks, keys for lock, wing mirrors and are generally 100% complete.

I also found out how bloody heavy a complete door is as I staggered into the kitchen with them!

R33 doors cheap!
What would you expect to pay for these little items? Well I have seen door glass alone going for £40 UK each.. So you do the maths.

I picked up BOTH doors for under £2.00 yes, really, in fact I felt a bit guilty about having them as it was legalised theft.
However, you will see that I did get some other interesting bits. Although these will have to wait as I could not fit them into my car and I had to stop off and store these at a friends house.

Skyline ownership need not cost the earth eh?

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