
Sunday 6 March 2011

Hampshire Group Meet - West Meon UK

Went out to a Local Owners Club meet today (Sunday). We were treated to a bright sunny (but cold) start to the day, ideal for a drive in the country. In fact as I was running early I took the slightly longer route via Basignstoke to enjoy the scenery.

The car was running wonderfully, perhaps it was the bends in the road, the Sun or a combination of both, but she felt like she wanted to run away all the time, free revving and pulling like crazy.

Admittedly I was in two minds about attending a local group meet as I know that they can be a bit of a closed affair, upon arrival I parked up in the wrong car park as neither where to park or for that matter, where the pub was located were posted on the Owners Forum before hand.

It is always a bit difficult for a 'stranger' to meet new faces for the fist time, although the common bond of belonging to the same group and being owners of the same make of car should of helped me through! However I knew things were not going to go well when the few other owners that were already there, rather than saying hello to this strange interloper, actually turned their backs to me, making my feeble 'hello' a tad embarrassing! So I returned to the bar where I had left my friend enjoying a Coke. Being the optimist I knew things could only improve as after all I met one of the group at Stevenage. So when another five cars turned up, the group entered the bar, only to select a long table for them to sit at, no introductions from the one that I knew just a wave and mouthed hello from across the room.

I did however meet a friend of mine who lives in the area and was curious to see these crazy jap cars. So at least that salvaged something from the day. I also met a nice lady with a green and black Skyline R33, a real enthusiast, she had just got a nice shiny Skyline for her Birthday and didn't seem at all bothered that we were from outside the area. As a grand finale we were ignored one last time and made our way back to Berkshire from where we dare not venture to Hampshire again!

Where are the pictures... Well I didn't feel like I wanted to skunk about in the car park with a camera!

I took a slightly faster route home, which consisted of many dual lane stretches. What can I say, very entertaining! Rounding the day off I washed Ms Skyline. Taking a break to blog!

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